The Minister of State ( I/C) for Power, Coal
& New & Renewable energy , Shri Piyush Goyal , applauding the Union
Budget 2014-15 said that “This is a transformative budget focusing on policy
initiatives and a heavy emphasis has been laid on investment-led growth, which
is reminiscent of the Vajpayee-era. The budget addresses immediate concerns of
all sections of society – young, old, poor, women, farmers,
SCs/STs, backward sections of the society, middle-class, entrepreneurs etc.” While
Congratulating the Union Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley for for
delivering this growth-oriented, pragmatic budget , Shri Goyal said that “ This
will truly be an inflection point for India. The FM
has taken several strong steps for the revival, rejuvenation and resurgence of
the Indian economy and presented a tangible and actionable roadmap to lift
crores of people out of poverty, within 5 years. The thrust on skill
development, manufacturing, education, clean & renewable energy,
infrastructure and healthcare, are particularly heartening to see. Shri Goyal
said that the Finance Minister has reinstated our government’s commitment of
24 x7 power to all homes.
the proposals relating to ministries of Power, Coal and New & Renewable
Energy Shri Goyal said “ I am elated at the announcements to encourage new and
renewable energy (solar, wind) and development of transmission &
distribution. This will go a long way in ensuring 24x7 power to all. Welcome
standardization of custom duty on coal – across grades and types – to end
disputes immediately. This is the kind of practical solutions one expects from
Arun ji! Our moves for improving coal quality by supplying crushed and washed
coal, ensuring adequate coal supply for already commissioned & would-be
commissioned power plants will unlock dead investments. Also welcome steps for
incentivizing solar powered water pumps, and setting up of solar parks
Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Ladakh; and moves for setting up solar plants on
banks of canals. We will also set up Green Energy Corridors for evacuation of
Shri Goyal said that “I completely endorse the
Union Budget 2014-15 as a visionary step towards fulfilling the aspirations of
all Indians: “Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas”!”
Following are the excerpts of the Finance Minister’s Budget Speech
relating to the Power , Coal and New Renewable Energy Sectors.
feeder separation launched to augment power supply to the rural areas and for
strengthening sub-transmission and distribution systems. A sum of Rs. 500
crores has been set aside for this scheme.
Rs. 200 crore
for power reforms to make Delhi a truly World Class City.
proposal to
allocate an initial sum of Rs. 100 crore for preparatory work for a new scheme
“Ultra-Modern Super Critical Coal Based Thermal Power Technology” to promote
cleaner and more efficient thermal power.
(Para 117)
Comprehensive measures for enhancing domestic coal production are
being put in place;
Stringent mechanism - quality control & environmental
protection - supply crushed coal & setting up washeries.
The existing impasse in coal sector will be resolved;
Adequate quantity of coal will be provided to power plants
commissioned or would be commissioned by March 2015 to unlock dead investments.
Exercise to rationalize coal linkages to optimize transport of
coal & reduce cost of power underway.
Coal Bed Methane (Para 119)
Government’s intention to accelerate production and exploitation
of Coal Bed Methane reserves.
Possibility of using modern technology to revive old or closed
wells will be explored
Indirect Taxes (Rationalisation Para 221)
At present, coal attracts customs duties at
different rates. It is proposed to rationalize the duty structure on all
non-agglomerated coal at 2.5 percent basic customs duty and 2 percent CVD.
Anthracite coal, bituminous coal, coking coal, steam coal and other coal will
attract the same duty. This will eliminate assessment disputes, transaction
costs associated with testing.
Clean energy Cess (Para 237)
Clean Energy Cess is presently levied on coal,
peat and lignite for financing & promoting clean energy initiatives and
funding research in clean energy.
Proposed to expand scope to include financing
& promoting clean environment initiatives and research in area of clean
To finance additional initiatives, Clean Energy
Cess increased from Rs
50 /T to Rs 100 /T.
(Para 122)
Intention to encourage investment in mining sector and promote
sustainable mining practices to adequately meet the requirements of industry
without sacrificing environmental concerns.
Current impasse in mining sector, including, iron ore mining, will
be resolved expeditiously. Changes, if necessary, in the MMDR Act, 1957 would
be introduced to facilitate this.
of Royalty Rate (Para 123)
There have been
requests from State Governments to revise rate of Royalty on minerals. Royalty
can be revised after a period of three years.
Last revision took
place in August, 2009.
Another revision will
be undertaken to ensure greater revenue to the State Governments.
(Para 116)
To promote cleaner
and more efficient thermal power it has been proposed to allocate an initial
sum of Rs 100
crore for preparatory work for a new scheme “Ultra-Modern Super Critical Coal
Based Thermal Power Technology.”
(Para 200) Supply of power continues to be a major area of
concern for the country. Therefore, instead of annual extensions, I propose to
extend the 10 year tax holiday to the undertakings which begin generation,
distribution and transmission of power by 31.03.2017. This stability in our
policy will help the investors to plan their investments better.
Renewable energy is high priority of the
Proposed to take up ultramodern Solar
Power Projects in Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Laddkh in J&K. A sum of Rs.
500 Crore allocated.
Scheme to promote one lakh solar power
driven agriculture and water pumps set. A budget of Rs. 400 Crore allocated.
One MW solar power parks on the banks of
irrigation canals. A sum of Rs. 100 crores allocated.
Implementation of Green Energy corridors
for evacuation of power from renewable energy projects.
Clean energy cess on coal increased from
Rs. 50/tonne to Rs. 100/tonne to be utilized for clean energy activities.