The US government has implanted various policies and plans
and has now taken a step forward in climate change. The plan comprises of
various changes in different organization, private and governmental bodies. It consists
of three main topics of consideration. One is to cut the carbon emission, to
prepare the nation for future climatic changes and perils and the last is to
contribute in improving the world climate.
The various changes and the major zones and areas where the
plan is expecting to make changes are like cutting the carbon throughout the
industries by imposing stricter and federal cut off limit. The government is
hoping to accelerate the process of permissions for renewable energy development
and expansion of grids. Also the use of advanced fossil fuels will help them
cope with carbon emission. As the emission
from heavy duty vehicles is second largest the government is hoping to increase
fuel economy standards and develop advance transportation technology. Government
has also mention the importance of increasing the end users efficiency,
commercial and industrial buildings, research in increasing their efficiency and
involving and assisting the private organizations for same.
The main greenhouse gases like methane, HFC are expected to
be reduced with the help of environmental protection organization, agriculture
department and establishing strategies and technologies for the same,
increasing the forest. Federal government will lead in clean energy and energy
The US government has drawn importance to climate resilient
investments. It has aimed to curb the difficulties, provide technical
assistance grants and other programs in sectors of transportation water
management and disaster relief. It has aimed to help the local communities, tribal
with the help of local agencies. The Task Force and federal agencies are also
piloting new ways to support resilience in the Sandy-affected region. The
Department of Energy will soon release an assessment of climate-change impacts
on the energy sector, including power-plant disruptions due to drought and the
disruption of fuel supplies during severe storms, as well as potential
opportunities to make our energy infrastructure more resilient to these risks. The
Department of Health and Human Services will launch an effort to create
sustainable and resilient hospitals in the face of climate change. Promoting
insurance leadership for climate safety, conserving the land and water, agro
sustainability, draught management, preparations for future floods.
The Administration will continue to lead in advancing the
science of climate measurement and adaptation and the development of tools for
climate-relevant decision-making by focusing on increasing the availability,
accessibility, and utility of relevant scientific tools and information. Government
has also mentioned to increase the speed and data gathering on climatic conditions,
providing the tool kit for climate resilience, assessment of impacts.
The US govt. is also working intensively to forge global responses
to climate change through a number of important international negotiations,
including the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, enhancing
multilateral engagement with major economies, expanding bilateral cooperation
with major emerging economies through initiatives like the US-china clean energy research center, the US-India partnership to advance
clean energy. It is also leading through the global methane initiative, which
works with 42 partners countries. Negotiating global free trade in
environmental goods and services, phasing out subsidies that encourage wasteful
consumption of fossil fuels, leading global sector public financing towards
cleaner energy, strengthening global resilience to climate change, mobilizing
climate finance. At international level the US govt. has taken active
participation at global climate events such as Copenhagen Conference, UNFCCC, Montreal
Protocol, Kyoto Protocol, Climate meeting in Durban etc.
Thus the new policy on climatic changes is an example for all
the other countries and shows the love of the United States for its flora and fauna,
people and the world. All the other country must get inspiration from this
revolutionary changes that us govt. is about to make and must participate in
the same.
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